Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)


FS 2021

Historicizing, Decolonizing, Posthumanizing 'Language'


Rose Marie Beck (University of Leipzig)

Format: CSLS guest lecture
Ort: online
Zeit: 31.03.2021, 16:15 – 17:45 Uhr

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Historical Sociolinguistic Approaches to the Language of the Labouring Poor in Late Modern England


Anita Auer (University of Lausanne)

Format: CSLS guest lecture
Ort: online
Zeit: 21.04.2021, 16:15 – 17:45 Uhr

Weitere Informationen

Decolonizing Sociolinguistics – Project and/or Provocation?


Ana Deumert (University of Cape Town)

Format: CSLS guest lecture
Ort: online
Zeit: 26.05.2021, 16:15 – 17:45 Uhr

Weitere Informationen

HS 2021