
Summer/Winter Schools

Summer School 2015

Language in Social Context

Confirmed speakers and workshop leaders

Lisa Atalianis (Birkbeck College)
David Block (ICREA, Universitat de Lleida)
Yvette Bürki & Nadine Chariatte (Universität Bern)
Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (The Ohio State University)
Sigurd D'hondt (Ghent University)
Kristine Horner (The University of Sheffield)
Johannes Kabatek (Universität Zürich)
Wolfgang Kesselheim (Universität Zürich)
Clare Mar-Molinero (University of Southampton)
Constanze Vorwerg (Universität Bern)

Art: CSLS Summer School
Where: Ligerz (on Lake Biel, Bernese Seeland), Switzerland
When: June 29 to July 3


The Summer School is being organized by the Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS) at the University of Bern and its PhD program Studies in Language and Society, in collaboration with the PhD Program Transcultural Processes in Iberoromania of the Romance Department at the University of Zurich.
The Summer School focuses on three partly overlapping thematic subareas: identity, mobility, multilingualism. There will be lectures given by invited speakers who are experts in these areas, as well as short method workshops, and small-group sessions in which PhD students will have a chance to present their research and receive feedback from an expert in the field as well as from their peers. Taking into account the different language specializations of our students, student presentations will take place in two parallel sessions, one being held in English, and the other covering the Romance languages involved (focusing on Spanish). All lectures will be in English.

Application deadline:

some places left, application still possible!


Anne-Danièle Gazin (Summer School Project Assistant)
t.b.a. (Program Director PhD Program)

How to get to the Aarbergerhus

The Aarbergerhus is situated at a few minutes walk from all public transport stops at Ligerz. We do not recommand to travel by car since parking spots are limited. Train (each hour) and boat connections from Biel or Neuchâtel. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!