


Dynamics of (im)mobilities and discursive practices in the 21st century

Sprache und Wahrnehmung

November 8 – 9, 2018

University of Bern, Switzerland

As Salazar (2016) claims, the concept of mobility captures the impression that today's world is structured around the constant flow not only of people, but also of cultures, objects, capital, services, media, images, information and ideas. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the social and human sciences mobility turn has been put forward and named. As a result, new theoretical concepts that attempt to describe the new spatial and temporal dynamics of today's world: deterritorializationreterritorialization, spatial-temporal compression, scalarity, etc. have emerged. The mobility turn is conceived as a turn because it breaks with the traditional correspondence between person, place and culture. But perhaps the most important aspect of the mobility turn is that it highlights that the concept of mobility does not have an immutable meaning but varies according to people, social circumstances and the very concept of mobility, which is necessarily defined through its counterpart, immobility.

Mobility turn is therefore a different way of framing and encompassing global mobility, showing how physical mobility of people entails economic, social and cultural mobility, the transformation of institutions at different levels and spheres, and the mobilization of (linguistic) ideologies.

The committee welcomes papers from a sociolinguistic, discursive or ethnographic linguistic perspective on theoretical or methodological aspects researching or examining the interrelationship between mobility and communicative practices in spaces where Ibero-Romanic languages (Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Galician) and Creole languages with an Ibero-Romanic base come into contact with other languages due to (im)mobility.

Key note speakers:

Alexandre Duchêne (Université de Fribourg)
Marleen Haboud (Universidad Católica del Ecuador)
Luisa Martin Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Li Wei (University College, London)


LII Congresso SLI «Le tendenze dell'italiano contemporaneo rivisitate»

Sprache und Wahrnehmung

6 – 8 settembre 2018

Università di Berna

Il congresso vuole riallacciarsi alle discussioni sulle tendenze in atto nell’italiano contemporaneo avvenute negli ultimi decenni del ventesimo secolo. In particolare il tema richiama il congresso SLI tenutosi a Lugano nel 1991 nel quale si sono discussi aspetti tendenziali rilevati in quegli anni.

Keynote 1 | 06.09.2018: 09.15 – 10.00
Françoise Gadet (Université Paris-Nanterre): "Emergence et enjeux des réflexions sur l'oral: le cas du français"

Keynote 2 | 08.09.2018 09.00 – 09.45
Lorenzo Renzi (Università di Padova): "Ancora su come cambia la lingua. Qualche nuova indicazione"


1st International Conference on Spanish Speakers in European Spaces

Sprache und Wahrnehmung

June 7 – 8, 2018

University of Bern, Switzerland

The 1st International Conference on Spanish Speakers in European Spaces, which will be held at the University of Bern (Switzerland) June 7-8, 2018, intends to bring together, for the first time, researchers working on the sociolinguistic outcomes of the presence of speakers of Spanish in different European spaces.



10th Linguistic Landscape Workshop

Sprache und Wahrnehmung

May 2 – 4, 2018

University of Bern, Switzerland

The Linguistic Landscape Workshop is well established as the world’s premier gathering of scholars investigating the intersection of language, communication and space/place. (This scientific field is also sometimes known by the labels “semiotic landscapes” and/or “geosemiotics”.) Researchers come from a wide range of language-related disciplines; most notably, applied linguistics, multilingualism studies, sociolinguistics, discourse studies, and linguistic anthropology. In all this work, scholars recognize how linguistic and communicative practice can only be properly understood in the context of its emplacement. By the same token, we recognize how the physical location and public visibility of different ways of speaking/communicating have deep social, political implications. The nine previous gatherings of the Linguistic Landscape Workshop were in Tel Aviv, Siena, Strasbourg, Addis Ababa, Namur (Belgium), Cape Town, Berkeley, Liverpool and Luxembourg.
