Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)

Center for the Study of Language and Society

Statistics - An introduction to analysing quantitative data

Mittwoch, 28.09.2016, 10:00 Uhr

Dr. Jan Vanhove, Universität Freiburg

Die Workshops werden von Gastdozierenden in Form von ein- oder mehrtägigen Blockkursen durchgeführt. Die aktive Teilnahme ist für Doktorierende der GSH in der Regel mit 2-3 ECTS anrechenbar.

Veranstaltende: Workshop Language and Society
Redner, Rednerin: Dr. Jan Vanhove, Universität Fribourg
Datum: 28.09.2016
Uhrzeit: 10:00 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum B 007
HSZ vonRoll
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern
Merkmale: Öffentlich

Statistics - An introduction to analysing quantitative data

Dr. Jan Vanhove, Universität Fribourg


  • 28. September 2016, 10 -17 Uhr
  • 05. Oktober  2016, 10 -17 Uhr
  • 19. Oktober 2016 10 -17 Uhr


Der Workshop wird in Abhängigkeit von der Nachfrage auf Deutsch oder Englisch durchgeführt. In beiden Fällen können jederzeit Fragen auf Deutsch und Englisch gestellt werden. Neben den englischsprachigen Handouts im Kurs steht auf auch deutschsprachiges Material zur Verfügung.

The workshop will be conducted in English or German, depending on make-up of the audience; participants are welcome to ask questions in German and English regardless. The handouts for the first two days at least will be in English.

Description: The goal of this three-day workshop is to help the participants on their way to independently analysing their data and optimising the design of their studies. To this end, we will first discuss basic statistical terms and procedures conceptually and get acquainted with the statistical program R. We will also introduce some more advanced tools that are often useful for analysing linguistic data. Crucially, participants will learn how to learn more about these tools after the workshop. All the while, we will emphasise the value of drawing informative graphs.
Please note that we will not analyse any participant’s data in their stead.

Topics covered: basic descriptive statistics; useful plots; basic significance testing; optimising study design; reporting results; introduction to mixed-effects modelling for linguists; criticisms of significance testing; questionable practices in analysing data; how to learn more and get help.

Software: We will use the free programs R and RStudio. While getting used to these programs is a challenge at first, it’ll pay dividends down the road.

Dr. Jan Vanhove

Jan Vanhove is 'Oberassistent' (senior assistant) at the Department of Multilingualism at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.

He studied English and Swedish literature and linguistics at Ghent University (B.A., 2007) and got his Master's in European linguistics at the University of Freiburg in Germany (2010). He then briefly worked at the Department of Scandinavian Studies in Groningen (project Mutual intelligibility of closely related languages) before finally coming to Fribourg to do his PhD (2014, project Multilingualism through the lifespan).