HS 2022
Research Ethics: Conducting sociolinguistic research in an ethical manner
Datum: 05.10.2022
Uhrzeit: 15:15 - 16:45 Uhr
Ort: UniS A 024 (Schanzeneckstrasse 1)
This workshop explores questions about how to conduct sociolinguistic research in an ethical fashion. We will discuss current approaches in the field for addressing ethical issues that arise in sociolinguistics research and for evaluating and minimising risk. Topics to be covered will include soliciting consent, ensuring participant confidentiality, protecting data, and developing respectful and ethical relationships with research participants. We will approach these topics by going through a number of case studies and participants will be able to discuss ethical questions in relation to their own research plans.
This workshop is part of the Forum SLS. Registered MA and PhD students receive 0.5 ECTS for attending.
Please register via email to info.csls@unibe.ch.
Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities
Programm & Infos Language and Life in Deaf Communities
Transcribing and Annotating Sociolinguistic Data
Datum: 07.12.2022
Uhrzeit: 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr
Ort: UniS S 201 (Schanzeneckstrasse 1) - 20 Plätze
This workshop provides an overview of best practices when transcribing, annotating and preprocessing data for sociolinguistic analysis. We focus principally on transcription using the open-source program ELAN and describe how it can be used as a “one-stop-shop” for producing time-aligned transcripts that can be annotated for future quantitative and/or qualitative analysis. Participants will learn the basic workflow to adopt for transcription and annotation, acquire familiarity with the basic tools of ELAN, have an opportunity to practice some transcription/annotation of their own.
Please register via email to info.csls@unibe.ch.