
Summer/Winter Schools

Summer School 2017

Language and Migration

Confirmed speakers and workshop leaders

William L. Allen (University of Oxford)
Penelope Gardner-Chloros (Birkbeck University of London)
Robert Gibb (University of Glasgow)
Marta Kirilova (University of Copenhagen)
Silvia Natale (University of Bern)
Thomas Niehr (University of Aachen)
Dennis Preston (Oklahoma State University/Michigan State University)
Claudio Scarvaglieri (University of Basel)
James Simpson (University of Leeds)
Constanze Vorwerg (University of Bern)
Kai Wörner (University of Hamburg)

CSLS Summer School
Kandersteg (Swiss Alps), Switzerland
June 12 to 16, 2017


The Summer School is being organized by the Center for the Study of Language and Society at the University of Bern. It focuses on different aspects of language and migration: language contact, multilingual interaction, language and identity, discourses about migration, and the effects of researchers’ choice of language for their research.
There will be lectures, workshops, and small-group sessions where PhD students will have a chance to present their research and receive feedback from experts in the field as well as from their peers.

The Summer School will be held at the Hotel Alfa Soleil in Kandersteg (Switzerland), surrounded by superb mountain scenery. It starts Monday afternoon and ends on Friday at noon.


Prof. Dr. Jan Patrick Zeller (