Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)

CSLS Ringvorlesung "Multilingual Practices in the Digital World"

Das deutsch-polnische LangGener-Korpus als neuartige Ressource der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung

Wednesday, 2024/05/01, 16:15

Lecture in German (without translation)

Event organizer: Center for the Study of Language and Society
Speaker: Björn Hansen
Date: 2024/05/01
Time: 16:15 - 17:45
Venue: F021
Hörraumgebäude Unitobler
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Registration: via ksl
Characteristics: not open to the public
free of charge

English title:
The German-Polish LangGener corpus as a new resource for multilingualism research

Björn Hansen holds the Chair of Slavic Linguistics at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Regensburg. His areas of work include lexical semantics, syntax, grammaticalisation, multilingualism and areal typology. He mainly specialises in Polish, Serbian, Croatian and Russian.


The presentation is dedicated to the online corpus that was created as part of the German-Polish project "Language across Generations: Contact Induced Change in Morphosyntax in German-Polish Bilingual Speech" (LangGener, DFG-NCN -Project HA 2659/9-1). It contains interviews recorded with bilingual people belonging to two generations: "Generation Poland" comprises people with German as their first language who were born in the areas of present-day Poland that belonged to Germany before the Second World War and live there today; "Generation Germany" comprises those who were also born there in the 1950s and 1960s and emigrated to Germany. The interviews were conducted in both German and Polish. The special feature of the corpus is the combination of linguistic-structural and sociolinguistic annotation. The technical pipeline from the audio file to the corpus will be presented in the lecture. (URL:

Björn Hansen / Anna Zielińska (eds.) (2022) Sociolinguistics meets corpus linguistics. German-Polish and German-Czech bilingualism. Winter Publishing House