Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)

CSLS Ringvorlesung "Multilingual Practices in the Digital World"

Mobilità virtuale e migrazione. Il caso della nuova migrazione italiana in Svizzera

Wednesday, 2024/03/06, 16:15

Lecture in Italian (with English translation)

Event organizer: Center for the Study of Language and Society
Speaker: Silvia Natale
Date: 2024/03/06
Time: 16:15 - 17:45
Venue: F021
Hörraumgebäude Unitobler
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Registration: via ksl
Characteristics: not open to the public
free of charge

English title:
Virtual mobility and migration. The case of new Italian migration to Switzerland

Silvia Natale is professor of Italian linguistics at the Institute of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Bern. She is interested in sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, digital communication and aspectual systems. 


The emergence of a new wave of Italian migration, extending to Switzerland since 2008, represents a novel and distinctive phenomenon compared to previous, well-documented migration movements. This contemporary Italian migration unfolds within entirely different parameters, influenced by the advent of virtual mobility, enabling the tracking of language transformations in a manner previously unexplored. It transforms extraterritorial linguistic landscapes into a new laboratory for studying language in the context of migration.

This presentation delves into the contemporary trends in the Italian language and explores how they evolve within the realm of migration. The linguistic shifts and adaptations in the context of migration are examined, shedding light on how mobility and migration affect language change. Understanding these dynamics is essential for comprehending the multifaceted interactions between language, identity, and migration in the 21st century.